Cost and County Coverage
What are your costs?
Most lawyers handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that if there is no win or recovery for you, there is no fee for you either. When there is a recovery, your award is reduced by our contingency fee, which is based on a percentage.
Some law firms charge as high 40% or even 50% for medical malpractice. Falvello Law’s typical contingency fee for Auto Accident cases is 1/3 (or 33-1/3 %); Medical Malpractice cases are slightly higher.
We Advance All Costs of Litigation
During the pendency of the case the Falvello Law Firm advances all costs of litigation including filing and other court fees, deposition transcripts and expert witness testimony to name a few. These costs are reimbursed at the end of the case when there is a recovery.
What to Expect
Falvello Law provides a detailed contingency fee agreement for the client review prior to signature and formal engagement of the Falvello Law Firm on the client’s behalf.
If You’ve Been Injured, Let Us Help
Located near Hazleton in Luzerne County, we represent injured people and their families all over Northeastern PA and the Poconos. Even if you are injured in an automobile accident in another state, Falvello Law can help. Please contact us if you need legal help for a serious injury or auto accident.